Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tackling Technology

This past semester has truly opened my eyes to how technology is changing our world.  While some of it can be scary, it is also exciting to think of all the new opportunities that are also opening up with these changes.  It is a thrilling time to begin a career as a school librarian.  There is a need for teachers, and especially teacher librarians, to step up and lead the way into the future.
As I’ve learned from experience these past weeks, some of the new technologies take effort to learn.   However, it was well worth it.  I am grateful that the course made me take the time to explore some Web 2.0 tools, some of which had been on my list to learn for a while.  Others, such as Diigo, I was not aware of yet now that I have started using it I have discovered just how valuable of a tool it is.  Recently, I noticed that I have been much more eager and willing to investigate new Web 2.0 tools and ideas of how to incorporate them into the classroom quickly follows.
The thought of learning new programs might be intimidating, but the time and effort it takes is well worth it.  They are especially valuable if we are able to bring them into the classroom so that our students can learn to effectively, wisely, and safely navigate the digital world.  There are numerous creative ways to use Web 2.0 tools.  Our education system is changing and must change if we are to provide our students with the skills they will need to be successful.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Educating Teachers and Students

Many would agree, that in order to encourage learning there are several guidelines to follow.  These include, meeting the student where they are, providing purpose, engaging students in the subject, and providing resources for learning.  The article in Tech&Learning ( reminded me that these same guidelines will apply when keeping others aware of copyright laws.  The article gave quite a few practical tips and guidelines for promoting copyright awareness in the school.  It was especially nice that tips were given for educating teachers on the subject, but also ways to help motivate teachers to pass on their new knowledge about copyright onto their students.
Just as collaboration between the SLMS and the teacher can result in engaging lessons, the pairing on the SLMS and teacher can result in making all students more conscientious of their use of information because teachers will be informed and can reinforce the importance of obeying copyright laws.  The SLMS has an important task when it comes to educating both students and teachers on copyright and how they can use information and technology while still obeying the law.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

encouraging change

One of my favorite things about this class has been the way that my eyes have been opened to the use of technology in the classroom.  I am inspired every time I read Will Richardson’s book.  Technology creates a number of creative ways for students to learn and be engaged.  I understand the pressure teachers are under and that they do not always have the time needed to explore the possibilities of bringing technology in the classroom.  However, this makes me more determined that the role of the school librarians should be to assist in bringing web 2.0 tools into the school and helping students learn necessary 21st century skills.
Looking at Google Earth this week was really interesting.  Although I had heard of Google Earth, I had never taken the time to really explore it.  Now that I am more aware of all that it has to offer, the number of possibilities it has for education is amazing.  It also fit really well with my professional development project theme of virtual field trips.  Part of my reason for choosing the topic was to help busy teachers realize one way that they can incorporate technology into their own classrooms.  I would hope that virtual field trips would be a starting entry into encouraging teachers to build more lessons involving technology and for them to realize how many possibilities there are out there.  Hopefully, teachers are also open to the idea of collaboration with the school librarian.  I feel that collaborative lessons are a good opportunity to involve new technology tools and 21st century skills.  There are so many new ways for students to learn.  When I am a SLMS, I hope to help integrate and technology and new ways of learning into the school.