Friday, March 14, 2014

little thoughts

"The children that are the hardest to love are the ones that need it the most."

How true this Pinterest quote is! It is such a good reminder to me to have extra patience and kindness with the students that might get on my nerves.  The student who won't stay in his seat.  The student that has fifty stories for every lesson.  The student who constantly needs the directions repeated because she was too busy talking to a neighbor to hear them the first time.  I do not know what is happening at home when those students leave the school.  I do not know which student ate by himself at lunch.  I do not know when something as simple as a compliment about their work or an encouraging word will have an impact on a student.  As a teacher I want my students to learn skills that they will carry with them into their future, but I also want them to carry with them the message that they have value.  So, yes a certain student may be hard to love, but it's worth showing them that love anyways.

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