Monday, January 30, 2012


Currently I am taking a course called Resources and Services for Young Adults. A class I feel that I am going to come to love! After finishing my most recent assigned readings, I walked away feeling inspired. In our role, librarians have an incredible opportunity to impact the teenagers we work with. Teenagers have come to have a bad reputation and can be looked down upon in our society, but why? We were all teenagers once we should be able to relate to them and more importantly RESPECT them. As corny as it may sound, these individuals are the future. They have the potential to do great and amazing things. More powerfully, we have the opportunity to get to know these young adults, to help them find books that will help them to grow into themselves, and to be the adult they can turn to that will give them respect. What role do you want to play in the lives of the young adults around you?

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