Monday, December 5, 2011

online learning

This semester 3 of my 4 classes were online.  I had never taken a class in an online format and was a little apprehensive.  However, I feel that the online format while very different from a traditional format suited me.  At times I missed the in-class discussions, and the general socializing between classmates.  However, I enjoyed the flexibility and the opportunity to fully form my thoughts before joining in the dialogue.  I found that these factors meant that I was able to take then time to really integrate the lessons into my knowledge base, something that I discovered when I was able to take knowledge and apply it into other areas—other classes, practicum experiences, and discussions with my friends.  Learning should be lifelong, especially in this field, and online conferences and webinars will be useful for keeping up to date professionally.  Overall, my online learning experience was good and worked for me, which is good since I am signed up for 2 more online classes next semester!
It seems that education is changing, as can be seen with the number of students involved in distance education and flipped classrooms.  Having experience with online classes can be valuable, as a future school librarian.  While I am still occasionally on campus for class, I can still relate to how valuable online resources are.  As we enter the field it is important to be creative in coming up with services that suit the needs of the students we are serving.  Distance learning students may be unable to come to the school library—what tools will they need? If a student in a flipped classroom is having a difficult time learning a particular concept will we as the librarian be able to help them locate a resource that will help them understand?  Our goal should be serving the community, regardless of whether they are standing in front of the reference desk with a question or sitting on their couch at home needing information.  Being able to relate to the needs of the students is critical in order to find ways to serve them.